Video of installation (0:45).

Directly below the street-facing windows, neon text ("nothing will come of nothing") glows in an office building.

This public art project was made possible by the support of StartingBlock Madison and the City of Madison's BLINK grant.

As seen from a busy city street at night. One floor of the building is illuminated by white neon text.
Video of installation (0:46). Footage was taken during a private reception.

The freestanding armature containing the neon and fog-mechanism faces an empty industrial space.

The neon text softens as it becomes obscured by the fog mechanism.
Video of an early iteration of the project. Installed in the Art Loft's MicroGallery at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Something (nothing will come of nothing)
12mm glass filled with argon, fog, Arduino microcontroller, Raspberry Pi, exhaust fans, wood, and plexiglass structure.
2018 | 24' x 7' x 4'
12mm glass filled with argon, fog, Arduino microcontroller, Raspberry Pi, exhaust fans, wood, and plexiglass structure.
2018 | 24' x 7' x 4'
A Madison BLINK temporary public art project. Made in collaboration with Ben Orozco.
Images and early footage: Ben Orozcox
Consultation: Ken Flanagan
Drone footage: Joey Godiska
Installation footage: Bryce Gildner
Consultation: Ken Flanagan
Drone footage: Joey Godiska
Installation footage: Bryce Gildner
For more information on Blink and other Public Art funding opportunities in Madison, visit the Madison Arts Commission website.